Climate change has over the years emerged as a major threat for the sustenance of mankind on earth. Rapid pace of industrialization and urbanization, coupled with increased dependence on natural resources, have led to overexploitation of these resources, which with time poses a serious warning for the world. India is facing major challenges of sustaining its rapid economic growth while dealing with the global threat of climate change. Although, meaningful initiatives have been taken in various sectors to meet the challenges posed, however a lot needs to be done. NHPC believes in development in harmony with nature. Various green initiatives have been taken by NHPC to offset carbon footprint. Few of them are highlighted below:


Solar Energy:

NHPC has commissioned a 50 MW Solar Power Plant constructed in Theni and Dindigul District in Tamil Naidu in March 2018. The power is harnessed through Solar photovoltaic crystalline technology with minimum annual generation of 105.96 MU.


Work of 10 MW Floating Solar Power project in West Kallad District, Kerala has been awarded in September 2019. Mobilization work is in progress.


Rooftop Solar Plants with aggregate capacity of 2495 kWp has been installed at various power stations/projects of NHPC and roof top solar power projects with aggregate capacity of 1589 kWp at various locations of the Company is in EPC tender stage.


1.00 MWp Solar Power Plant rooftop at different buildings of NHPC Residential Complex, Sector-41, Faridabad has been installed. The Project was sanctioned by MNRE under “Achievement Linked Incentive Scheme for Govt. Sector” .The total cost of the project is ₹6.13 Crore ( including cost of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) for 05 years after SITC) with Minimum Guaranteed Generation of 16,65,000 KWh in 1st Year. Presently, the plant is running in testing mode by switching on and off of different inverters of different capacities at a time.


Wind Power

A Wind Power Project of installed capacity of 50 MW has been setup by NHPC in Jaisalmer district, Rajasthan and commercial generation started from October 2016. The total project generation started from October 2016. The total project generation since commissioning is 190 MU till 31.10.2019.


Green Building

Neer Shakti Sadan at NHPC Office Complex, Faridabad has been awarded the Four Star GRIHA Rating (Final) by the GRIHA(Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) Council on 10th June 2019. Earlier, Four Star GRIHA Rating (Provisional) was awarded to the project on May 26, 2016.  GRIHA is a joint initiative of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Govt. of India and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). This building has been awarded 82.11% (78/95 Points) for attempting 34- Criterion. Some of these criterion are meant for optimize building design to reduce conventional energy demand, optimize energy performance of building within specified comfort limits, renewable energy utilization, reduce landscape water demand, utilization of fly ash in building structures, water recycle and reuse etc.


Clean Development mechanism projects

Two hydropower projects in Union Territory of J&K namely Chutak and Nimmo Bazgo have been registered by CDM Executive Board of UNFCCC. Verification of these projects are being undertaken for generation of CER (Certified Emission Reduction) credits.


NHPC has already registered its Teesta-V (510 MW) in Sikkim, Parbati-II (800MW) & Parbati-III(520MW) in Himachal Pradesh, Teesta Low Dam IV (160 MW) in West Bengal and Uri-II (240 MW) Power Station in Union Territory of J&K under Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) and these power stations have already generated more than 10 million VCUs (Voluntary Carbon Units). One VCU is equivalent to reduction of 1 metric tonne of CO2.




NHPC has signed MOU with Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a JV of PSUs under the Ministry of Power on 31.01.2019 for deployment of E-Cars on lease basis along with charging facilities and training. Two nos. of E-cars flagged off on 18.03.2019 are in use in NHPC office, Faridabad.


-Gaurav Kumar, Deputy General Manager (Environment)

-Kumar Manish, Senior Manager (Environment)